
Human Rights Database

Over 20,000 information providers revealing the real North Korea, not just simple statistics.






Information Providers

Updated July 2022

Collecting and analyzing distributed testimonies and data.

Our aggregated analyzed data represents the voices of the North Korean people.

Through materials such as memoirs, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews, our collected materials have been analyzed and categorized into over 200 categories, and we constantly strive to improve the Unified Human Rights Database through the metadata stored in the database.

Reflecting developments in the situation in North Korea based on the 

international human rights database program developed by HURIDOCS

The NKDB Unified Human Rights Database was developed through the systematic categorization of human rights violations in North Korea based on the categories established by HURIDOCS. NKDB has reorganized the categorization of HURIDOCS to better reflect the unique situation in North Korea. As the HURIDOCS system is built upon international legal mechanisms such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, our database and categorization system also reflects these international human rights mechanisms.

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Credibility and Objectivity

Cross-verification of individuals and cases

Mandatory cross-verification and confirmation of testimonies regarding individual cases of human rights violations

Acquired testimonies from multiple information providers on over 3,000 individual cases

(Up to 40 information providers for each case)

Largest repository of North Korean 

human rights violations in the world

Utility and effectiveness of the Unified Human Rights Database

The Unified Human Rights Database is a critical source for the White Paper on North Korean Human Rights, White Paper on Religious Freedom in North Korea, and other research projects.

Mobile : Scroll the table from side to side.  ←→

Restricting the acts of perpetrators of North Korean human right violations
Data collection through Small Data Analysis on recent information and determination of the research method for improving North Korean human rights
Providing information about the reality of the human rights situation in North Korea both domestically and internationally
Resources for ascertaining cases of human rights violation and rehabilitation for victims of human rights violations
Utilized as resources in the negotiation and implementation process for the improvement of the human rights situation in North Korea
Training professionals on North Korean human rights

The Unified Human Rights Database is built from testimony provided by those who have experienced, witnessed, and heard about North Korean human rights violations.

Their testimonies mark the beginning of improvements in North Korean human rights and the process of accountability.

NKDB makes every effort to ensure the security of the NKDB Unified Human Rights Database