[Event]NKBD spoke at the UN OHCHR Accountability Workshop

5 Apr 2024
Views 361

On February 20, NKDB was invited to speak as an expert on non-judicial accountability for North Korean human rights at the UN OHCHR Seoul Office's conference.

The event invited diplomats, fellow activists, and other experts on accountability under the title of 'Moving Forward on the COI+10: Accountability Avenues for International Crimes'. 

NKDB's Hanna Song (Executive Director) spoke about the importance of pursuing both judicial and non-judicial accountability with a victim centered approach. NKDB uses memorialization through the NKDB North Korean Human Rights Museum, rehabilitation through psycho-social support, and compensation through our scholarship programs.

We thank the UN for putting on such an important event and extent our gratitude to Justice Michael Kirby for leading the way 10 years ago for launching the COI on North Korean Human Rights.