On Tuesday December 28, NKDB held a conference to share the results of the 2021 Economic and Social Integration of North Korean Defectors survey.
Through this survey, conducted every year since 2005, economic data on North Korean defectors living in South Korea is collected, including employment statistics and economic sectors where North Korean defectors tend to work. In 2021, the unemployment rate among defectors dropped below 3% for the first time, to 2.9%. When compared with the 19.9% figure from 2012, we can see that there has been a dramatic drop in the unemployment rate among defectors in the last 10 years.
You can find these results and more by downloading the full report (currently available only in Korean) HERE.

On Tuesday December 28, NKDB held a conference to share the results of the 2021 Economic and Social Integration of North Korean Defectors survey.
Through this survey, conducted every year since 2005, economic data on North Korean defectors living in South Korea is collected, including employment statistics and economic sectors where North Korean defectors tend to work. In 2021, the unemployment rate among defectors dropped below 3% for the first time, to 2.9%. When compared with the 19.9% figure from 2012, we can see that there has been a dramatic drop in the unemployment rate among defectors in the last 10 years.
You can find these results and more by downloading the full report (currently available only in Korean) HERE.