[Event][Conference] Meaningful Engagement and Advocacy for North Korea: SDGs?

24 Feb 2022
Views 1445

On Monday, February 21st, NKDB held a conference celebrating the launch of their new website on North Korea and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a rare example of international cooperation in which North Korea plays an active part, most recently presenting their Voluntary National Review in July 2021. This conference, held with simultaneous interpretation and attended by experts, civil society organizations, diplomats, and academics, emphasized the utility of the SDGs in holding North Korea to account in indirect ways for improving the human rights situation inside the country. 

After a presentation of the new website by Director of International Cooperation, Hanna Song, as well as a presentation by Eunkyoung Kwon of NK Net on the connections between the SDGs and human rights, a panel discussion explored different aspects of North Korea's engagement with the SDGs, from economic development to environmental protection.

You can check out the new site by visiting en-nksdg.org, where the site is currently available in Korean and English!