[Event]Understanding the SDGs and its Linkages to North Korean Human Rights

17 Mar 2021
Views 732

On March 6th and 13th, NKDB hosted a two-day workshop sponsored by the UniKorea Foundation on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their linkage to human rights in North Korea! With almost 100 applications, a total of 50 participants from countries including South Korea, the Netherlands, Germany, Estonia, the UK, and the US were selected to participate in the program. Patricia A. Goedde, Professor at Sungkyunwan University Law School, and Anselmo Lee, Senior Researcher at the Global Academy for Future Civilizations at Kyung Hee University, provided participants with an introduction to the UN mechanisms and their relationship with the SDGs, as well as an in-depth examination of the 17 SDGs. During the second session, NKDB Director of International Cooperation Hanna Song gave a presentation on how the SDGs are specifically linked to human rights in North Korea, followed by participant presentations on how different organizations might help North Korea achieve the SDGs. These presentations received feedback from Buhm-suk Baek, Professor at Kyung Hee University’s College of International Studies, and Imesh Pokharel, the Officer in Charge at the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Seoul!