NKDB’s 22nd Monthly Briefing and Discussion on North Korean Human Rights was held on May 26th, 2015 at the Seoul NPO Center. NKDB presented its research on “Trends in Economic Activities of North Korean Defectors Resettled in South Korea” and provided relevant statistical figures based on its annual survey of 400 North Korean defectors. NKDB shared information on the current benefits and forms of support that North Korean defectors receive and the current governmental incentives that exist for North Korean defectors to engage in the South Korean economy. The organization provided statistics and analysis on the employment rate, employment period, and job categorization of defectors as well as metropolitan and provincial income differences, age group income differences, and the income differences between women and men. The event concluded with a Q&A session. Representative of foreign missions in Seoul took part in the Briefing, including the Embassies of Australia, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Norway as well as UNHCR and the EU delegation in ROK.

NKDB’s 22nd Monthly Briefing and Discussion on North Korean Human Rights was held on May 26th, 2015 at the Seoul NPO Center. NKDB presented its research on “Trends in Economic Activities of North Korean Defectors Resettled in South Korea” and provided relevant statistical figures based on its annual survey of 400 North Korean defectors. NKDB shared information on the current benefits and forms of support that North Korean defectors receive and the current governmental incentives that exist for North Korean defectors to engage in the South Korean economy. The organization provided statistics and analysis on the employment rate, employment period, and job categorization of defectors as well as metropolitan and provincial income differences, age group income differences, and the income differences between women and men. The event concluded with a Q&A session. Representative of foreign missions in Seoul took part in the Briefing, including the Embassies of Australia, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Norway as well as UNHCR and the EU delegation in ROK.