[Briefing]23rd NKDB Monthly Briefing and Discussion of North Korean Human Rights

1 Jul 2015
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The 23rd session of NKDB’s Monthly Briefing and Discussion of North Korean Human Rights was held on June 30th. The event was kindly hosted by the French Cultural Center in Seoul. For this month’s briefing, NKDB prepared a presentation titled “Escape Routes from North Korea: the Dangers of Defection and Risks Associated with Attempts to Reach South Korea or other Countries” as per the suggestion of the representative of the Norwegian embassy. NKDB provided information on the most common routes used for escaping North Korea, the tendencies in defections during different time periods, and valuable data concerning broker services and fees. Representative of foreign missions in Seoul took part in the Briefing, including the Embassies of Finland, Greece, Norway, Spain, the USA as well as UNHCR and the EU delegation in ROK.