[Briefing]24th NKDB Monthly Briefing and Discussion of North Korean Human Rights

4 Aug 2015
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The 24th session of NKDB’s Monthly Briefing and Discussion on North Korean Human Rights took place on July 28th. The event was hosted by the Canadian Embassy in Seoul which kindly provided NKDB with its conference facility. The presentation was titled “Comprehensive Understanding of Prisoners of War Held in North Korea – Human Rights Conditions in the DPRK and Returns to South Korea”. At the Briefing participants received more detailed information about the harsh living conditions of the unreturned prisoners of war, and the strict surveillance and constant discrimination they were subjected to. Representative of foreign missions in Seoul took part in the Briefing, including the Embassies of Australia, Finland, Greece, Norway, as well as UN OHCHR and the EU delegation in ROK.