[Academy][5] Academy Week 10: DPRK Human Rights Improvement Strategy Through Int'l Human Rights Regime

3 Jul 2014
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On June 11th, Prof. Cho Jung-hyun from the Korea National Diplomatic Academy led NKDB’s 10th meeting of the North Korean Human Rights Academy. 

The discussion topic was related to the activity of UN Commission of Inquiry, the contents of the report, and the future prospects after the adoption of the report. 

Through the lecture the audience was able to get an overview of the UN Commission of Inquiry and it provided an opportunity to understand and think more about ways in which domestic and international organizations approach human rights issues in North Korea. 

I.               Introduction

II.             Establishment and Activity of the UN Commission of Inquiry (COI)

III.           Main Content of the UN COI Report

IV.            Follow-up Measures and Prospects after the Adoption of the COI Report

V.              Conclusion