On September 18th, an overview of NKDB’s 2018 White Paper on North Korean Human Rights was presented by NKDB researcher Teodora Gyupchanova at NKDB's 52nd Monthly Briefing. We spoke at length about the changes that DPRK made since the publishing of the 2017 White Paper to respond to the human rights recommendations proposed by international community, and new facts, figures, and trends in North Korean human rights that we have included in our 2018 White Paper. The purpose of our annual White Papers is to continuously record information on human rights violations that continue to happen in North Korea regardless of the changes in the inter-Korean climate. By publishing our White Paper, NKDB seeks to increase public awareness on North Korean human rights issues, and to raise the voices of the North Korean defectors who have suffered human rights violations.
Participants of the Briefing included representatives from embassies and delegations in Seoul, including those from Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and the USA. Additionally, International organizations, educational institutions and media representatives from NK News, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul National University, and Daily NK were also in attendance. Thank you once again to all of you who joined our 50th Briefing!

On September 18th, an overview of NKDB’s 2018 White Paper on North Korean Human Rights was presented by NKDB researcher Teodora Gyupchanova at NKDB's 52nd Monthly Briefing. We spoke at length about the changes that DPRK made since the publishing of the 2017 White Paper to respond to the human rights recommendations proposed by international community, and new facts, figures, and trends in North Korean human rights that we have included in our 2018 White Paper. The purpose of our annual White Papers is to continuously record information on human rights violations that continue to happen in North Korea regardless of the changes in the inter-Korean climate. By publishing our White Paper, NKDB seeks to increase public awareness on North Korean human rights issues, and to raise the voices of the North Korean defectors who have suffered human rights violations.
Participants of the Briefing included representatives from embassies and delegations in Seoul, including those from Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and the USA. Additionally, International organizations, educational institutions and media representatives from NK News, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul National University, and Daily NK were also in attendance. Thank you once again to all of you who joined our 50th Briefing!