On May 2, 2022, NKDB held a joint seminar with other North Korean human rights organizations at the National Assembly in Seoul, South Korea to evaluate the last 5 years under the Moon administration, as well as provide policy recommendations for the incoming Yoon administration. The speakers expressed their frustrations with developments in the field of North Korean human rights under the outgoing administration, including legislation passed curtailing civil society activities such as the "Anti-Leaflet Law" and government responses to incidents involving North Korea such as the repatriation of two North Korean fisherman.

The seminar saw enormous turnout, with attendees from civil society organizations, academic institutions, diplomatic missions to South Korea, foreign and domestic media, and even several members of the South Korean National Assembly, demonstrating the wide range of those interested how policy has shaped efforts North Korean human rights over the past 5 years, and what actions must be taken to more actively improve not only the state of North Korean human rights, but civil society organizational ability to carry out activities to further the cause. They speakers also stressed that the government must adopt a more consistent policy overall when it comes to North Korean human rights.

It is NKDB's hope, along with all of the other organizations involved in this seminar, that the incoming Yoon administration will place a renewed emphasis on improving the human rights situation for the North Korean people, and that the policy recommendations made by the speakers are taken into consideration as the Yoon administration develops its policy in pursuit of improvements in North Korean human rights. You can watch the full video of the seminar (currently available without subtitles) by clicking HERE.

On May 2, 2022, NKDB held a joint seminar with other North Korean human rights organizations at the National Assembly in Seoul, South Korea to evaluate the last 5 years under the Moon administration, as well as provide policy recommendations for the incoming Yoon administration. The speakers expressed their frustrations with developments in the field of North Korean human rights under the outgoing administration, including legislation passed curtailing civil society activities such as the "Anti-Leaflet Law" and government responses to incidents involving North Korea such as the repatriation of two North Korean fisherman.
The seminar saw enormous turnout, with attendees from civil society organizations, academic institutions, diplomatic missions to South Korea, foreign and domestic media, and even several members of the South Korean National Assembly, demonstrating the wide range of those interested how policy has shaped efforts North Korean human rights over the past 5 years, and what actions must be taken to more actively improve not only the state of North Korean human rights, but civil society organizational ability to carry out activities to further the cause. They speakers also stressed that the government must adopt a more consistent policy overall when it comes to North Korean human rights.
It is NKDB's hope, along with all of the other organizations involved in this seminar, that the incoming Yoon administration will place a renewed emphasis on improving the human rights situation for the North Korean people, and that the policy recommendations made by the speakers are taken into consideration as the Yoon administration develops its policy in pursuit of improvements in North Korean human rights. You can watch the full video of the seminar (currently available without subtitles) by clicking HERE.