[Press Release]Database Center for North Korean Human Rights releases Evaluation Report of the North Korean Human R

19 Apr 2016
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The Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) released its Evaluation Report of the North Korean Human Rights Situation after the 2014 UN Commission of Inquiry Report: Based on an Analysis of NKDB's Database in March 2016.


After an unanimous decision to establish a Commission of Inquiry (COI) on Human Rights in the DPRK on May 21st 2013 according to UN Human Rights Council Resolution 22/13, the UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) received the mandate to investigate the human rights situation in the DPRK. In February 2014, the COI announced its report based on a year's research results and revealed that crimes against humanity were being perpetrated in the DPRK.



NKDB made considerable contribution to the completion of the COI Report by submitting a large source of information including the books White Paper of North Korean Human Rights, White Paper on Religious Freedom in North Korea, Prisoners of North Korea Today as well as introducing potential interviewees for public hearings and private interviews.



The purpose of the Evaluation Report of the North Korean Human Rights Situation after the 2014 UN Commission of Inquiry Report is 1) to see and assess any improvements of the human rights situation in each of the 9 categories of North Korean human rights violations after the release of COI Report, 2) to propose improvement measures for the categories of human rights that need improvement, 3) to enforce continuous monitoring on North Korean human rights and provide the results to the United Nations and related organizations.


The methodology applied in this report is a statistical analysis of the human rights violation categories of NKDB's database that are equivalent to the 9 categories defined by the COI. In particular, NKDB classified each of the 9 human rights violation categories and its sub-categories according to time periods - entire period, COI investigation period (2011 to 2012) and the period after the COI investigation (2013 to 2014) and compared them. NKDB's goal was to evaluate the changes in the human rights situation in the 9 designated categories after the release of the COI report by comparing the analysis of the period before and after the COI report.


NKDB provides the E-book version of 'Evaluation Report of the North Korean Human Rights  Situation after the 2014 UN Commission of Inquiry Report:  Based on an Analysis of NKDB's Database' for free to share the contents with more people to improve North Korean human rights together. 


You can read the report at the link below. 

