[Joint Seminar] North Korean Human Rights Policy Recommendations for the Next Administration
*Simultaneous Korean-English Interpretation will be provided.
Location: Meeting Room 8, National Assembly Members' Office Building
Date: May 2, 2022 (Monday) 14:00-17:00
Host Organizations: Unification Media Group l Now Action Unity Human Rights (NAUH) l North Korea Reform Radio Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights (NKnet) l North Korea Strategy Center l Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) l Abductee’s Family Union l Unification for Youths l Association of the North Korean Defectors l Unification Academy l Action for Korea United The Institute of Unification and Security Strategy (IUSS) l the National Assembly Human Rights Forum and International Parliamentarians’ Coalition for Asian Human Rights
RSVP Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQwYQp2d3cBcjx-EswPYpBDCzHIxpvXAiGt5s5o4t8kP3ilA/viewform
※ Parking Reservations must be made by April 29 by calling 02-723-6045

[Joint Seminar] North Korean Human Rights Policy Recommendations for the Next Administration
*Simultaneous Korean-English Interpretation will be provided.
Location: Meeting Room 8, National Assembly Members' Office Building
Date: May 2, 2022 (Monday) 14:00-17:00
Host Organizations: Unification Media Group l Now Action Unity Human Rights (NAUH) l North Korea Reform Radio Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights (NKnet) l North Korea Strategy Center l Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) l Abductee’s Family Union l Unification for Youths l Association of the North Korean Defectors l Unification Academy l Action for Korea United The Institute of Unification and Security Strategy (IUSS) l the National Assembly Human Rights Forum and International Parliamentarians’ Coalition for Asian Human Rights
RSVP Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQwYQp2d3cBcjx-EswPYpBDCzHIxpvXAiGt5s5o4t8kP3ilA/viewform
※ Parking Reservations must be made by April 29 by calling 02-723-6045