[Education][Academies] Registration for the Fall Semester of NKDB Academies has Opened!

21 Aug 2021
Views 601

The NKDB Education Center for Korean Integration has opened registration for participants to apply to one of our five Academies scheduled for the second half of 2021! The Education Center for Korean Integration raises interest on North Korean human rights for everyday people and fosters the growth of the next generation of leaders for the upcoming era of reunification by providing unbiased education that will be critical for inter-Korean social integration.

In addition to some of our regularly offered Academies, the second half of 2021 will see the opening of the new "Unification Law Academy" run by some of the foremost legal experts in order to understand the legal system in North Korea and to consider the legal implications of a unified Korea. This fall, we invite you to attend one of our Academies in order to gain a deeper understanding of North Korean human rights and society!

Lecture schedule: Starting September 13th (Monday) (Differs by Academy)

Course registration information: Applications can be made on the website of the Education Center for Korean Integration (www.nkdbedu.com) from August 19th (Thursday) through September 8th (Wednesday).

* Please note that all Academies are conducted in Korean.

** The North Korean Human Rights Academy, Unification Diplomacy Academy, and the Together for Unification Academy will only be conducted in person.