[The Times] North Korea’s secret police stamp on birthdays and haircuts

26 Jan 2023

The Times reports on North Korea’s secret police, enforcing to stamp out foreign influence from North Korean society. In its article, the Times quoted NKDB's report regarding the latest findings on the 'Non-socialist Groups,' one of the North Korean regime's surveillance institutions. 

Those found guilty of the most serious crimes, such as watching pornography, face public execution, according to a report based on defectors’ testimony. The units, known as “gruppa” or “non-socialist groups”, pursue violations of Pyongyang’s official ideology.

“The groups operate as a hidden tool, which is used by the government to achieve their ultimate objectives of ubiquitous surveillance and the ability to thoroughly oversee each and every resident,” said the report by the Database Centre for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) in Seoul.

Read the full article on the Times' website HERE