[International Business Times] North Korea Jails 2-Year-Old For Life After Bible Found With Parents; 70,000 Christians Imprisoned

30 May 2023

On 28 May 2023, the International Business Times (IBT) recently presented a comprehensive analysis of the latest International Religious Freedom Report issued by the United States government. The report highlights the alarming circumstances endured by North Korean citizens, who face religious persecution solely due to their beliefs. The IBT article effectively underscores the gravity of these persecutions, providing substantiated evidence by referencing documented cases of religious persecution in North Korea compiled by NKDB. The contents are as follows: 

Meanwhile, the NGO Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) reported 1,411 cases of religious persecution by authorities, including 126 deaths and 94 disappearances between 2007 and July 2020, according to the reports of North Korean defectors and other sources.

North Koreans caught practicing their faith are often charged with the propagation of religion, possession of religious materials, religious activity, and contact with religious practitioners.

You can read the full article on the IBT website by clicking HERE.