[The Economic Times] North Korea: Two-year-old sent to life imprisonment after Bible found in parents' possession

30 May 2023

On 27 May 2023, The Economic Times has recently featured an illuminating article addressing the religious landscape in North Korea. This comprehensive piece offers a detailed examination of the state of religion within the country, meticulously referencing multiple reports released by reputable organisations. Notably, NKDB's data has been incorporated, adding valuable insights and augmenting the overall comprehensiveness of the coverage concerning the religious conditions in North Korea.  The contents are as follows:

Reports from NGOs shed light on the extent of religious persecution in North Korea. The Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) released a white paper in October 2020, documenting 1,411 cases of religious persecution, including 126 killings and 94 disappearances.

A survey conducted by NKDB among 14,832 North Korean defectors who sought refuge in other countries found that 99.6 percent of them claimed that religious activities were not tolerated in their home country. Only 2 percent of the interviewees reported visiting religious facilities.

You can read the full article on "The Economic Times" website by clicking HERE