[The Japan Times] North Korea spent the pandemic building a huge border wall

30 May 2023

On 27th May 2023, The Japan Times highlighted North Korea's intensified border security measures with China and Russia as a response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Supported by satellite imagery, as well as accounts from defectors and activists, the initiative involves the extensive construction of fences, walls, and guard posts. The primary objective of these measures is to enhance control over information and goods, restrict the movement of individuals, and discourage defections, resulting in the effective closure of conventional escape routes and trade channels. The article also cites the report by NKDB, lending further credibility to the presented information. The contents are as follows:

Meanwhile, remittances sent by defectors to relatives in North Korea have declined since 2019, but requests for money from North Koreans have increased, suggesting that the border closures have not only made the process harder but have fueled demand for financial aid, the Database Center for North Korean Human Rights said in November, citing its annual survey of defectors in South Korea.

You can read the full article on The Japan Times website by clicking HERE