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North Korea Outside the North Korean State

28 Dec 2016
TitleNorth Korea Outside the North Korean State
AuthorYoon Yeo-sang, Lee Seung-ju
Publication Year2016
Price/Not for Sale$20
Publication Date2016-12-28



I. A Choice Determining the Survival of the North Korean People and State: Past, Present and Future

II. Policies on Dispatching North Korean Labourers Overseas and Current State of the Process of Dispatch

1. North Korean Policy on Dispatching Labourers

2. Distribution and Number of North Korean Overseas Labourers

3. Dispatch Process from North Korea

III. The State of North Korean Overseas Labourers and their Human Rights Conditions in Poland

1. Poland

2. Poland's Policy Towards North Korean Labourers

3. Process of Employing North Korean Overseas Labourers in Poland

4. State and Number of North Korean Labourers in Poland

5. Human Rights Situation of North Korean Overseas Labourers in Poland

IV. The State of North Korean Overseas Labourers and their Human Rights Conditions in Poland

1. Mongolia

2. Mongolia 's Policy Towards North Korean Labourers

3. Process of Employing North Korean Overseas Labourers in Mongolia

4. State and Number of North Korean Labourers in Mongolia

5. Human Rights Situation of North Korean Overseas Labourers in Mongolia

V. Policy Recommendations for Accountability and Improvement of the Human Rights Conditions of Labourers

1. Recommendations to North Korean Government Authorities

2. Recommendations to Poland and Mongolia

3. Recommendations to the United Nations, South Korea, and NGOs


List of Companies Which Hired North Korean Overseas Workers per Country