Title | ㆍ | North Korea's Non-socialist Group: Inspections, Crackdowns and Human Rights Violations in a Panoptic Society |
Author | ㆍ | Bobae Su, Minju Sung, Suyoung Yang |
Publication Year | ㆍ | 2023 |
Price/Not for Sale | ㆍ | Not for Sale |
Publication Date | ㆍ | 2023.01.16 |
Pages | ㆍ | 200 |
Table of Contents
Ⅰ. Introduction ································································· 13
1. Research Background and Objectives ································· 15
2. Research Methodology ···························································· 18
Ⅱ. Non-socialism and Anti-socialism in North Korea ··········································································· 24
1. Categorization of Non-socialist and Anti-socialist Behavior ·· 24
2. State Responses to Non-Socialism and Anti-Socialism ··· 42
Ⅲ. Organizational Structure ········································· 49
1. Creation of the Non-socialist Group ································ 50
2. Organizational Structure of the Non-socialist Group ······ 65
3. Operating System of Non-socialist Group ························· 78
Ⅳ. Human Rights Violations Committed by the Non-socialist Group ·············································· 106
1. Inspections and Crackdowns ··············································· 107
2. Types of Punishments ·························································· 134
Ⅴ. Seeking Accountability for Human Rights Violations Perpetrated by the Non-socialist Group ············· 148
1. Structure and System of Human Rights Violations ······ 149
2. Potential Accountability Measures ····································· 155
Ⅵ. Conclusion ································································· 170
Bibliography ····································································· 173
Table of Contents
Ⅰ. Introduction ································································· 13
1. Research Background and Objectives ································· 15
2. Research Methodology ···························································· 18
Ⅱ. Non-socialism and Anti-socialism in North Korea ··········································································· 24
1. Categorization of Non-socialist and Anti-socialist Behavior ·· 24
2. State Responses to Non-Socialism and Anti-Socialism ··· 42
Ⅲ. Organizational Structure ········································· 49
1. Creation of the Non-socialist Group ································ 50
2. Organizational Structure of the Non-socialist Group ······ 65
3. Operating System of Non-socialist Group ························· 78
Ⅳ. Human Rights Violations Committed by the Non-socialist Group ·············································· 106
1. Inspections and Crackdowns ··············································· 107
2. Types of Punishments ·························································· 134
Ⅴ. Seeking Accountability for Human Rights Violations Perpetrated by the Non-socialist Group ············· 148
1. Structure and System of Human Rights Violations ······ 149
2. Potential Accountability Measures ····································· 155
Ⅵ. Conclusion ································································· 170
Bibliography ····································································· 173