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"Periods are a shameful thing in North Korea"

22 Jan 2023
Title"Periods are a shameful thing in North Korea": The State of Menstrual Health of North Korean Women
AuthorHyunmin AN, Jina SIM
Publication Year2018
Price/Not for SaleNot for Sale
Publication Date2018-11-30

Table of Contents

Preface ············································································································· 8 

Ⅰ. Introduction ····························································································· 23

1. Women and Menstruation ··································································· 25

2. Research Needs ··················································································· 26

3. Research Content and Method ··························································· 29

1) Research Content and Scope ························································· 29

2) Research Method ············································································ 30

3) Analysis of the Interviewees ························································· 32

Ⅱ. Perception and Level of Education Related to Menstruation ············ 39

1. Concept of Menstruation Perceived in North Korea ························ 41

2. Menstrual Education ············································································ 44

1) Availability of Menstrual Education ············································· 44

2) Effects of Inadequate Menstrual Education ·································· 54

Ⅲ. Sanitary Pads in North Korea ····························································· 63

1. Use of Sanitary Pads ·········································································· 65

1) Types of Sanitary Pads Used in North Korea ···························· 65

2) Types of Sanitary Pads Used by Area and Place of Residence 66

3) Types of Sanitary Pads Used by Age of the Interviewees ········ 68

4) Sanitary Pad Use by Economic Level of the Interviewees ········ 70

2. Use of Cloth Sanitary Pads ······························································· 72

1) Types of Cloth Sanitary Pads ······················································ 72

2) Difficulties in the Use of Sanitary Pads ····································· 78

3. Use of Disposable Sanitary Pads ······················································· 86

1) Places for Purchase of Disposable Sanitary Pads ······················· 86

2) Types and Cost of Disposable Sanitary Pads ····························· 88

Ⅳ. Hygiene and Sanitation Associated with Menstruation ························ 99

1. State of Sanitary Facilities ······························································· 101

2. Public Health and Welfare Associated with Menstruation ············· 108

1) Health Disorders and Medical Treatment Associated with Menstruation ················································································· 108

2) Welfare Associated with Menstruation ······································· 115

Ⅴ. Menstrual Health of Women Inside Detention Facilities and the Military ································································································· 119

1. Conditions in Detention Facilities Related to Menstruation ··········· 121

1) Causes of Irregular Menstruation in Detention ·························· 122

2) Use of Sanitary Pads in Detention Facilities ···························· 126

3) Conditions of Prison Life for Menstruating Women ················ 135

2. Menstrual Health in the North Korean Military ····························· 138

Ⅵ. Need of Assistance to Vulnerable Groups in North Korea ·············· 143

1. Assistance Needed in Relation to Menstruation ······························ 145

2. Recipients in Most Need of Support Regarding Menstruation ······· 150

3. Recommendations for Improvement of the State of Menstrual    

Health of North Korean Women ····················································· 151

1) Recommendations to the North Korean State ···························· 151

2) Recommendations to South Korean and Foreign Humanitarian Aid 

Agencies ····························································································· 152

Ⅶ. Conclusion ···························································································· 155