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North Korean Defectors in China- Forced Repatriation and Human Rights Violations

28 Jan 2014
TitleNorth Korean Defectors in China- Forced Repatriation and Human Rights Violations
AuthorYOON Yeo-sang; PARK Seong-cheol; LIM Soon-hee
Publication Year2014
Price/Not for Sale$20
Publication Date2014-01-28



Foreword 5


Ⅰ. China’s Policy Toward North Korean Defectors and the Current Situation of the Defectors 21

1. Current Status of North Korean Defectors in China 22

2. Defection of North Korean Defectors in China to South Korea and Forced Repatriation 31

3. Human Rights Violations of North Korean Defectors in China 41

4. Characteristic of Problems North Korean Defectors Face in China 47

5. Stances of South Korea, China, North Korea, and the International Community 50


Ⅱ. Outline of Investigation on the Reality of North Korean Defectors 56

1. Purpose of the Investigation 56

2. The Method and Content of Investigation 58


Ⅲ. The Course of Defection From North Korea 76

1. Motivations for the Defection and Defectors' Companions 77

2. The Number and the Time of Defections 88

3. The Assistance of Brokers to Enter South Korea 94

4. Human Trafficking 102


Ⅳ. Living Conditions in China 113

1. Living Environment 113

2. Awareness by Local Residents 130

3. Marriage 135

4. Awareness on South Korean Society 150


Ⅴ. Human Rights Violations in China and Actual Condition of Forced repatriation 156

1. Human Rights Violations in China 156

2. Arrests and Repatriations by Chinese Government 175

3. Human Rights Violations in Detention Facilities 186

4. Remaining families in China 197


VI. The Reality of Human Rights Infringement of North Korean Defectors After Forced Repatriation 200

1. The Route of Repatriation to Detention Facilities 200

2. The Reality of Human Rights in Detention Facilities 225

3. Human Rights Violations after the Termination of Detention 235


VII. Proposal for Improvement in Human Rights 238

1. Chinese Government 239

2. North Korean Government 242

3. United Nations and the International Community 245

4. South Korean Government 249