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Behind Closed Doors: Mapping the System of Command in the Ministry of State Security and Social Security

11 Dec 2023
TitleBehind Closed Doors: Mapping the System of Command in the Ministry of State Security and Social Security
AuthorSuyoung YANG, Minju SUNG, Hanna SONG
Publication Year2023
Price/Not for Sale$15
Publication Date2023.11.30

Table of Contents

Executive Summary & Key Findings···················································································· 6

I. Introduction

1. Research Background and Objectives··············································································· 18

2. Literature Review and Research Methodology ······································································· 2

II. Organisational Chart & Operational System

1. Ministry of State Security···························································································  28

2. Ministry of Social Security···························································································  40

III. The Command & Reporting System

1. Ministry of State Security···························································································  54

2. Ministry of Social Security···························································································  64

IV. Justice System within the Two Ministries: The Punishment of Perpetrators of Human Rights Violations & Remedies for Victims

1. Key Characteristics of Criminal Procedures of the Ministry of State Security··············································76

2. Key Characteristics of Criminal Procedures of the Ministry of Social Security··············································80

3. The Punishment of Perpetrators of Human Rights Violations and the Remedies for Victims·······························84

V. Controlling Mechanism of the Workers' Party of Korea over the Two Ministries

1. Party-State System: The Two Ministries under the Workers' Party of Korea·············································100

2. Controlling and Guiding Mechanism of the Workers' Party of Korea······················································104

VI. Conclusion··································································· ········································114