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A Second Chance: North Korea's Implementations of its Recommendations during its Second Universal Periodic Review

28 Jun 2019

A Second Chance: North Korea's Implementations of its Recommendations during its Second Universal Periodic Review

AuthorHanna Song
Publication Year2019
Price/Not for Sale$20
Publication Date2019-06-28

Table of Contents


List of Abbreviations


I. International Cooperation

1. Human Rights Dialogue & Cooperation with International Human Rights Mechanisms

2. Accession to International Human Rights Instruments and Reporting Obligations

3. International Assistance

II. Minority Groups

1. Women

2. Children

3. Persons with Disabilities

III. Civil and Political Rights

1. Freedom of Assembly, Expression and Association

2. Freedom of Movement

3. Access to Justice

4. Other Civil and Political Rights

IV. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

1. Labour

2. Right to Health

3. Right to Food

4. Other Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 


